Poster: Infrared detection in high temperature GPC/SEC of Polyolefins

Presented at the GPC Conference 2015, Washington D.C., USA

By Alberto Ortín, Esther López, Benjamín Monrabal. Polymer Char, Valencia, Spain.



The analysis of the Molar Mass Distribution (MMD) of Polyethylene and Polypropylene resins by GPC / SEC has always been considered a demanding task. Using multiple detection methods (with online viscometer and light scattering detectors) maximizes the information obtained on the polymer microstructure. A high-quality concentration signal is of paramount importance for the reliable application of those methods, in order to obtain accurate and precise information. Recent developments in online Infrared (IR) detection have meant a breakthrough in concentration detection for polyolefin applications greatly improving the quality of the data obtained by those multiple detection methods. IR detectors with a high sensitivity and stability are now a convenient alternative to other concentration detection techniques, while also providing superior performance.


In this poster, data collected from an IR detector is presented, summarizing the three main advantages of the technique for polyolefin analysis: outstanding baseline stability, absence of spurious injection peaks, and simultaneous measurement of chemical composition.

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