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Preparative Fractionation by TREF




TREF is the crystallization-based fractionation technique most used in preparative fractionation by chemical composition. The method could be set based on a preliminary TREF analysis of the sample to be fractionated.

In this technique, the sample previously crystallized is eluted following a heating temperature method in steps programmed to obtain the desired fractions.

At each temperature step, part of the crystallized polymer will be dissolved while the rest will remain precipitated. The dissolved polymer will be collected in a bottle and manually filtrated to obtain the fraction corresponding to a specific chemical composition based on the temperature cut.

This method is the most used in fractionation by composition as it is the most predictable process based on preliminary TREF analysis of the sample to be fractionated.

Fractionation by TREF Services Fees

To calculate the final price, please take into account the amount of sample to fractionate and the number of fractions that you wish to obtain. This price includes a fast TREF analysis of the resulting fractions.

Fractionation by TREF (Price/Fraction)1-2 Fractions>2 Fractions
1 gram652€584€
2 grams1.043€935€
Between 2 and 5 grams1.305€1.168€
Between 5 and 10 grams1.760€1.577€
Between 10 and 20 grams2.151€1.928€
Additional Services:
Crystallization 0.1 (Room temperature)162€162€
Crystallization 0.1 (Subambient)432€432€
Subambient (Price / Sample)322€322€
Sample Filtration (Price / Gram)1.204€1.204€
Solvent/column change and instrument calibration293€
Shipment of fractions by courier99€99€
Minimum sample amount>5g * resulting amount per fraction desired

Terms & Conditions

Analytical Services Frequently Asked Questions

The fractionation service is available thanks to the Instruments PREP mc2 and PREP C20, capable of fractionating samples by molecular weight or by composition (TREF or CRYSTAF). Please visit the links below for more information.

The resulting fractions are later analyzed by the corresponding technique (GPC or TREF/CRYSTAF) to check the good performance of the fractionation process. Finally, the physical fractions are sent back to the customer by courier service as well as the analysis results of the fractions, so the customer can check the separation.

Any solvent compatible with viton o'rings and sealings can be used. To fractionate polyolefin samples, the solvents mainly used are TCB and oDCB.

For most of our analyses, you will receive a summary of the results along with an Excel file. However, the type of data and report form depends on the analytical service made. For specifics about the information sent, contact

Please send an email to and we will be pleased to help you.

To order any analytical service, please fill in the Analytical Service Request Form. Provide all the information available about the samples to be analyzed. Sent forms will be processed as formal orders for Polymer Char records. All the information provided is considered confidential information.

If a previous quotation is required, please do not hesitate to let us know by sending an email to

Samples should be shipped to:

Polymer Characterization S.A.
Valencia Technology Park
Gustave Eiffel 8
Paterna, Valencia
E-46980, Spain
Attn.: Analytical Services Department

We highly recommend to use courier service instead of post mail to ensure your samples arrive in good condition.

The turnaround time in preparative fractionation services will depend on the number of samples, the total amount of sample to fractionate, and the number of fractions desired. To receive an approximate turnaround time, please contact
This time is approximate, and it depends on the service queue in the laboratory at the time of the order. Polymer Char will inform the customer if the turnaround time is expected to be longer.

Please refer to our Analytical Services Terms and in the first chapter, you will find the necessary amount for each technique.

Polymer Characterization, S.A. is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy and the personal data that you may provide to Polymer Characterization, S.A. Polymer Characterization, S.A. acts in full compliance with the Spanish Law Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (the Law on the Protection of Personal Data). Therefore, in case you access parts of the website where you can provide personal data (e.g. Contact Form or Press Mailing List) your personal data will be processed and kept in strict accordance with the relevant legislation. You can exercise your rights of access, correction, cancellation of opposition by writing to Polymer Characterization, S.A. to or to 8 Gustave Eiffel Str., Paterna, E-46980 Valencia, Spain.

This Privacy Policy affects as well to the Customers’ Samples’ Analysis’ results. If a Privacy Agreement is required by the Customer, please contact us.

For more information about Polymer Char’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use please click here.

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