Poster: Improved Detection in GPC-SEC of Polyolefins by integrated Infrared Detector

Presented at the APST (Advances in Polymer Science and Technology), 2011. Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.

Alberto Ortín, Jesús Montesinos, Pilar del Hierro, Benjamín Monrabal. Polymer Char, Valencia, Spain.



The analysis of the Molar Mass Distribution (MMD) of Polyethylene and Polypropylene resins by GPC / SEC has always been considered a demanding task. Using multiple detection methods (with online viscometer and light scattering detectors) maximizes the information obtained on the polymer’s microstructure. A high-quality concentration signal is of paramount importance for the reliable application of those methods, in order to obtain accurate and precise information.


Significant efforts in engineering have been done in recent years to bring high temperature GPC analysis to a modern, reliable, and automated task. The use of Infrared detector provided a stable baseline for concentration analysis with the capability of performing composition – molar mass interdependence analysis simultaneously.


New developments in Infrared detection have allowed the design of an integrated IR detector with ten times improvement in sensitivity over the existing IR4 detector of the GPC-IR instrument. The new detector, which is based on interference filters and uses a thermoelectrically cooled Mercury Cadmium Telluride sensor, is integrated into the existing GPC-IR instrument without demanding external heated interfaces.


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