Latest News & Updates

News and important communications from Polymer Char.

26 March, 2024 Analytica 2024 The future standard for measuring intrinsic viscosity in the industry
21 March, 2024 Users Training Meeting 2024 Join us for the opportunity to dive into the theory and practice of Polymer Char instrumentation.
21 February, 2024 Pittcon 2024 Showcasing our latest innovation in Intrinsic Viscosity, IVA Versa
17 January, 2024 2023, A Year in Review What a year 2023 was! Last year was one of the busiest and most exciting ones at Polymer Char. We'd like to share a peek at some of the events that made it so noteworthy.
20 December, 2023 Happy Holidays Joy and peace for the Holiday Season, and may the New Year be prosperous and fun!
07 November, 2023 Introducing IVA Versa, our latest Viscometer IVA Versa is the most precise alternative to replace the traditional glass capillary method for the measurement of Intrinsic Viscosity in a wide array of polymers.
19 September, 2023 IR6, our most advanced detector yet Polymer Char’s latest detector raises the bar in terms of comprehensiveness and performance.
02 August, 2023 New CRYSTEX Feature! In-line Filter integrated in the system Say goodbye to offline filtration and welcome practicality and durability into your workflow with this new in-line filter. This and other CRYSTEX improvements.
27 June, 2023 The Polyolefin Characterization Week at-a-glance From Sunday, May 21st thru Friday 26th, Polymer Char held a series of events that coincide only once every six years. Whether you were part of any of these events or you weren’t able to join us, here are four flashbacks to the week.
04 May, 2023 2023 Users Training Meeting Our annual training session will be held right after the 8th International Conference on Polyolefin Characterization.
20 April, 2023 8th International Conference on Polyolefin Characterization Join us at the most relevant Conference & Short Course on Polyolefin Characterization in the industry.
04 April, 2023 We have two special occasions coming up and we want to share them with yo Join us to toast our anniversary and be among the first visitors to our brand-new facilities.
15 February, 2023 CRYSTEX® is now an ISO Method We are proud and excited to announce that the CRYSTEX® Technique is included in ISO 16152:2022 as an automated method for the determination of the xylene-soluble matter in polypropylene, an alternative to the manual gravimetric method.
21 December, 2022 Happy Holidays Warm Wishes for the Season and Happy 2023
01 December, 2022 Last Call! Webinar Why should Chemical Composition Distribution should be present in your HT GPC Analysis?
17 November, 2022 Webinar: What is Chemical Composition in Polyolefins Learn what CCD is and why it should be present in your High-Temperature GPC Analysis.
03 May, 2022 Analytica And UTM 2022 We are excited to be seeing you at these events.
26 January, 2022 2021: A Year in Review Here is an overview of what we were up to in 2021.
21 December, 2021 Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year Wishing you a wonderful festive season and much prosperity in 2022.
17 November, 2021 Preventive Maintenance Contracts 7 Reasons why you should consider having a Preventive Maintenance Contract
21 October, 2021 Webinars on Polyolefin Characterization We are hosting two webinars on Modern Separation Techniques for Polyolefin Microstructure Characterization
05 October, 2021 GPC One is now One Software The well-known data processing software for GPC Calculations by Polymer Char, GPC One, is now One Software.
02 February, 2021 2020: A Year in Review Here are some insights into what 2020 looked like for us.
15 December, 2020 2020: Holiday Greetings May hope and warmth light up your home during this season.
15 September, 2020 Express Delivery: Period Extended You now have until November 30, 2020 to send your samples
13 July, 2020 Express Delivery on all Analytical Services Let us help you speed up the process of having your polyolefin samples analyzed faster than ever.
19 May, 2020 8th ICPC New Date In light of this year's travel restrictions, the 8th ICPC has been rescheduled to be held on October 18-20, 2021
17 March, 2020 COVID-19 Action Plan We are following the precautionary measures to protect our stakeholders and our community
05 March, 2020 Meet the Introducing our New Website, the only place where you will find all the solutions available for polyolefin characterization
31 January, 2020 2019, a Year in Review Here is a quick overview of what 2019 looked like for Polymer Char.
18 December, 2019 Happy Holidays from Polymer Char Wishing you a warm Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.
19 September, 2019 The External Filtration System just got more appealing We have been able to improve significantly the production process of the EFS disposable cartridges, which allows us to offer better quality cartridges at a reduced cost.
24 July, 2019 Welcome to the 8th ICPC The ICPC Committee is glad to announce that the 8th edition of the International Conference on Polyolefin Characterization will be held in Valencia, Spain.
15 May, 2019 2019 Users Training Meeting Our Annual Users Training Meeting is approaching fast.
27 February, 2019 Events of 2019 Come meet us personally at any of these upcoming Conferences and Fairs.
14 January, 2019 2018, A Year in Review Here are some of the year's highlights we would like to share with you:
19 December, 2018 Warm Greetings From Polymer Char Season's Greetings and Happy New Year from Polymer Char
15 October, 2018 The Polyolefin Characterization Week is Here An entire week of high-level content dedicated to Polyolefin Characterization. Starting with the Short Course on PO Characterization Techniques, followed by the ICPC Conference, and Polymer Char's Users Training Meeting.
02 August, 2019 Solvent Handling Trolley Facilitating Laboratory Operations with the Solvent Handling Trolley
03 April, 2018 Users Training Meeting 2018- Valencia Edition Join our upcoming Users Training Meeting in Valencia.
14 February, 2018 2018 Events in our schedule Come meet us at any of these upcoming events.
07 February, 2018 2017 Year in Review Here is a full overview of what 2017 had for us.
19 December, 2017 Happy Holidays From Polymer Char Wishing you and your loved ones a warm holiday season.
21 November, 2017 Celebrating our 25th Anniversary The end of this year marks a special milestone in our Company's History, as we celebrate 25 years since we took on the mission to contribute to a better understanding of polyolefin characterization.
05 September, 2017 GPC analysis for control laboratories in polyolefin production plants GPC-QC: Molar Mass Distribution in Production Control
23 May, 2017 Users Training Meeting 2017 Our annual Users Training Meeting will be held at the Polymer Char facilities this year.
04 May, 2017 Automated Intrinsic Viscosity Analysis, even of highly crystalline polymers Fully Automated Intrinsic Viscosity Analyzer, IVA, a precise and convenient approach to IV measurement as a result of the automation of all the analytical procedures.
01 March, 2017 External Filtration, Software Updates and Upcoming Events Sample filtration is a common practice performed before injection when using light-scattering detectors, and also done to extend the lifespan of fragile GPC columns.
16 January, 2017 2016 Year In Review 2016 was a challenging but successful year for Polymer Char. These are some of the year highlights we would like to share with you.
22 December, 2016 Season's Greetings From Polymer Char Our warmest wishes for the holiday season and 2017.
06 October, 2016 2016 Users Training Meeting in Shanghai, China Our annual Users Training Meeting will be held right after the ICPC Conference, providing the perfect opportunity to wrap up your skills on characterization techniques and Polymer Char instruments.
28 June, 2016 New Line of Accessories for Polyolefin Characterization Polymer Char launches the first line of accessories specifically designed for Polyolefin Characterization laboratories.
16 June, 2016 The Polyolefin Characterization Week Next November in Shanghai, China, different events related to Polyolefin Characterization, will take place within the same week and in the same venue.
10 May, 2016 Molecular Weight Fractionation Now Available With PREP C20 Polymer Char introduces the new capability of its PREP C20 instrument: Fractionation by Molar Mass.
12 April, 2016 New CRYSTEX 42 for Soluble Fraction Measurement CRYSTEX® 42, a high-throughput system for simultaneous measurement of the soluble fraction, ethylene content, and intrinsic viscosity.
10 February, 2016 Fully Automated Intrinsic Viscosity Analyzer IVA - is a compact and fully automated instrument for measuring the intrinsic viscosity in a wide range of polymeric materials from ambient temperature up to 200º.
22 December, 2015 Happy Holidays From Polymer Char Our warmest wishes for the holiday season and 2016.
11 November, 2015 Sample Care In High Temperature GPC When using GPC-IR®, sample degradation is significantly minimized thanks to the exact time of dissolution for each sample, gentle shaking, and purge with nitrogen into the vials.
15 July, 2015 PREP C20: Automating Preparative Fractionation PREP C20 is a fully-automated preparative, pilot plant type equipment designed to fractionate high amounts of polymer according to its chemical composition.
05 May, 2015 Intrinsic Viscosity For Polymeric Materials Introducing IVA®, an innovative approach for Solution Viscosity in Polymeric Materials.
24 November, 2014 Separation Of Soluble Fraction By TREF Using the TREF Separation Technique for Soluble Fraction Measurement
08 September, 2014 Moving GPC Technology Forward Join us in this Meeting of GPC Technology Know-how.
14 May, 2014 Polymer Char News: Training & Events All the expertise and hands-on training with the instrumentation and techniques.
12 February, 2014 CRYSTEX QC Video And Events Watch the capabilities and results of this fully-automated solution for determining the Soluble Fraction in Polypropylene at Process and Quality Control Laboratories in Production Plants.
28 May, 2013 New and fully automated Interaction Chromatography Instruments for Polyolefins Polymer Char has launched a series of fully automated instruments for High Temperature HPLC, performing Thermal Gradient and Solvent Gradient Interaction Chromatography techniques for polyolefin analysis.
22 April, 2013 New Quality Control Solution for PP Manufacturing. The new CRYSTEX® QC instrument represents a step forward in technology for the automation of the amorphous phase determination.
16 October, 2012 Polymer Char Newsletter - Autumn 2012 Join us at 4th ICPC Conference next week in Texas.
03 September, 2012 Polymer Char Webcast - Advances In GPC Analytical and Engineering Advances in High-Temperature GPC/SEC for Polyolefin Characterization.
16 July, 2012 New GPC-IR System for Polyolefin Analysis. Polymer Char announces the development of a renewed reliable and fully automated 4D Gel Permeation Chromatograph with the most sensitive detectors to measure the Composition and Molar Mass of Polyolefins.
07 December, 2010 Product Launch: High Temperature HPLC Analysis of Polyolefins Polymer Char has announced the release of new and fully automated instrumentation for the 2D analysis of Polyolefins by Solvent Gradient Interaction Chromatography followed by molar mass separation with Size Exclussion Chromatography.
18 August, 2010 Product Launch: GPC One Polymer Char has announced the release of its GPC One® Software platform, developed to fulfill the requirements of the Polyolefin characterization laboratories.
27 July, 2009 Product Launch: CFC New Automated Cross-Fractionation instrument for the Composition-Molar Mass Dependence Analysis of Polyolefins.

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