IR4 Detector

IR4 Detector

IR4 Detector Overview


IR4 is a dual-wavelength Infrared (IR) detector, which uses the principle of infrared absorption spectroscopy to measure the concentration and chemical composition in Polyolefins.

IR4 was the first infrared detector manufactured by Polymer Char and was designed to determine the concentration and chemical composition for polyolefin separation techniques such as CRYSTAF, TREF/CEF, and GPC. After its introduction in the 90’s, it was shown to be the most appropriate detector for high-temperature analysis of Polyolefins, given its high baseline stability and short stabilization time.

IR4 is the entry-level detector in Polymer Char Analytical Instruments, and the default detector in Quality Control Instrumentation.

Besides the default concentration sensor, the IR4 detector can also include a methyl sensor for the determination of ethylene content. In Analytical Instruments, this methyl sensor can be swapped for a carbonyl sensor.

Another infrared detector available is the IR6. Each detector has been developed with a specific application in mind: comparison of Infrared detectors (IR4 and IR6)



IR4 Detector Features

Robust and reliable detection in high-temperature techniques for polyolefin characterization: CRYSTAF, TREF/CEF, CRYSTEX QC/42, and IVA.

Excellent baseline stability

Short stablization time after flow rate change or oven temperaure variation and outstanding baseline stability ideal for GPC application

Spurious injection peaks usually seen in DRI, do not appear in IR.
The baseline is very clean before and after the sample peak which helps in a more precise definition of baseline and integration range. Therefore, consistent values of Mw and Mn are obtained.

Short chain branching along the MMD

A methyl sensitive detection head (installed as default option in GPC-IR instruments) allows detection of short chain branching in LLDPE. Determination of average SCB or comonomer content as well as SCB variation along MMD.

Frequently Asked Questions about the IR4 Detector

IR4 is a dual-wavelength infrared detector, which uses the principle of infrared absorption spectroscopy to measure the concentration and composition in polyolefins. Thus, sensors inside are specifically designed in fixed wavelengths optimized for polyolefin analysis.

For methyl-group detection, 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (TCB) must be used, but for carbonyl-group detection, orthodichlorobenzene (ODCB) works best.

Concentration and composition measurement in separation techniques like GPC, TREF, CRYSTAF or HPLC.

IR4 is the optoelectronic standard detector for most applications. It is provided with two measuring elements. The IR4 is a very robust detector for concentration measurement in GPC, TREF, CRYSTAF, etc. It also provides the possibility of measuring composition (methyls per 1000 carbons or level carbonyls, acetate, acrylate…) in copolymers.

The IR6 detector is the latest Infrared (IR) detector developed by Polymer Char. It has increased sensitivity and stability, and also measures the carbonyls group in the band of 1,740 cm-1.

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