Chemical Composition Separation of EP Copolymers by CEF and HT-SGIC: Crystallization versus Adsorption

Published in: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2013.
Volume 214, Pages 2165-2171
Authors: S. Cheruthazhekatt, N. Mayo, B. Monrabal, H. Pasch
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Preparative temperature rising elution fractionation (prep TREF) suffers from co-crystallization effects and, therefore, cannot provide reliable chemical composition distribution (CCD) information. This limitation can be overcome when prep TREF is combined with further fractionation methods such as crystallization elution fractionation (CEF) or high-temperature solvent-gradient-interaction chromatography (HT-SGIC) as a new approach. By CEF, significant amounts of (co-crystallizing) amorphous ethylene-propylene (EP) copolymer are identified in semicrystalline TREF fractions of a heterophasic ethylene/
propylene copolymer (HEPC). Complete compositional fractionation with no influence of crystallization effects is accomplished by HT-SGIC. Prep TREF–HT-SGIC is found to be the most selective and suitable method for the fast and complete CCD analysis of such complex EP copolymers with CEF providing complementary information.

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